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Playing Chords Cleanly
Are you frustrated at how your chords sound? Are you muting strings and hearing lots of fret buzz? Do your hands ache from attempting these chords? If you're nodding in agreement, then 'Playing Chords Cleanly' is the course you've been searching for.
What you will accomplish in this course:
- Fretting with Finesse: Learn the fundamental fretting techniques that ensure each chord rings true.
- Dexterity Dynamics: Elevate your hand agility with Dexterity Exercise No. 1, utilizing hyper-focused psychology to refine your movements. I also include 24 variations on this exercise to ensure you get it.
- Chord Mechanics: Understand the essential mechanics behind pristine chord execution.
- The Curled Knuckle Technique: Discover the definitive solution to string muting and unlock the secret to flawless chord transitions.
If the buzz and muting have been your bane, and if chord transitions have caused you pain, this course is the cure you seek.
Join 'Playing Chords Cleanly' and revolutionize the way you play. It's time to leave behind the frustration and embrace the harmony of clean, beautiful chords.
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